Hissein Habré, une tragédie Tchadienne Directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Clément Abaïfouta presidente di Association of the Victims of the Crimes of the Hissène Habré Regime alla presentazione del film Hissein Habré, A Chadian Tragedy.JPG

Hissein Habré, une tragédie tchadienne

Director: Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Starring: Clément Abaïfouta

Country: Chad, Senegal, Francia

Year: 2016

Author Review: Roberto Matteucci

The film Hissein Habré, une tragédie Tchadienne by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun presented at Cannes and at 13 °. Dubai International Film Festival talks about the terribile acted ordered by Hissein Habré, who took power in Chad in 1972.

He was such cruel president, ordered many persecutions, arrested and abouses of thousands of opponents.

During his government, at least forty thousand deaths in prisons.

Hissein Habré in 1990 was forced to dismiss by current President Idriss Déby and he found exile in Senegal.

Hissein Habré in 2016 was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The director uses Abaïfouta Clément, president of the Association of the Victims of the Crimes of the Hissein Habré regime, for describing what happened. He meets and talks to many persecuted still survived. The movie is so touched because that people suffered a lot.

Sometime he trys to arrange a meeting between torturer and tortured.

In one of the meetings, sitting on a bench side by side, there are all three, with the middle of the mediator. Between the victim and the perpetrator there is no difference, they are both two unfortunates.

The author gives us an hope: never happens again.

Roberto Matteucci



“There’d he even less chance in a next life,” she smiled.
“In the old days, people woke up at dawn to cook food to give to monks. That’s why they had good meals to eat. But people these days just buy ready-to-eat food in plastic bags for the monks. As the result, we may have to eat meals from plastic bags for the next several lives.”

Letter from a Blind Old Man, Prabhassorn Sevikul (Nilubol Publishing House, 2009)


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