Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

Videophilia (And Other Viral Syndromes) - Videofilia (y otros síndromes virales) Directed by Juan Daniel F. Molero

On 21 December 2012, according to the alleged Mayan calendar, should have been the date of the end of the world. The catastrophic prediction, spread by internet, frightened the most delicate minds. The film Videophilia (And Other Viral Syndromes) - Videofilia (y otros síndromes virales), by director Juan Daniel F. Molero, narrates an episode in Peru related to the prediction. The story has an electrified evolution between the tragic and the amused. The author depicts it with dirty shots, grainy images, extreme editing between video games and porn chat, with emoticons peeking out on the screen.

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