Movie Shane Virunphan Movie Shane Virunphan

Alone Directed by Jafar Najafi

What is the appropriate age to get married? For the twelve-year-old Iranian twins Marzieh and Razieh, their age is appropriate to get married: “Now we are adults, we must get married”. They are the protagonists of Alone, directed by Jafar Najafi, presented at the 79th Venice Film Festival.

The setting is southwestern Iran, in the province of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari. A predominantly mountainous region and an agricultural economy with low income.

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Film Roberto Matteucci Film Roberto Matteucci

Under Construction Directed by Rubaiyat Hossain

Bangladesh, with its vitality and contradictions, is the protagonist of the film Under Construction by director Rubaiyat Hossain. Under Construction is an intellectual, well-shot, modern story of feminine pride. Female pride is represented by Raya. She is a famous actress, wealthy, she married a rich man. The social issue is underlined by the terrible condition of textile workers, subjected to terrible conditions and pressures to contain costs. Being an actress or having a child? It's Raya's dilemma, but she will choose.

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

A Day in the Life of Anil Bagchi - Anil Bagchir Ekdin Regista: Morshedul Islam

In 1947, the British abandoned India. Coexistence between Hindus and Muslims was impossible. The consequence was a political and geographical split, with thousands of deaths and the transhumance of millions of people: Muslims fled to Pakistan and Hindus to India.

The peculiarity of Pakistan was the division between two territories more than two thousand kilometres apart: Pakistan and East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

Despite having the same inhabitants, East Pakistan was ruled as a province, with limited power.

The film A Day in the Life of Anil Bagchi - Anil Bagchir Ekdin by director Morshedul Islam, screening at the 13th World Film Festival of Bangkok takes place during the Bangladesh war.

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