Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

Soni Directed by Ivan Ayr

The lives of Indian women on the streets of Delhi are dangerous. During the night, returning home from work becomes a fatal risk. Soni is the protagonist of the film Soni by director Ivan Ayr presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival.

Soni is a policewoman. She follows the miseries of women in the city and at the same time is a victim of male chauvinism. Soni is a strong woman, she is not afraid of anything and capable of slapping a night molester.

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

José Directed by Li Cheng

Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America, with widespread poverty. Half of the inhabitants are under the age of nineteen. The crime level is very high. A difficult country for everyone, especially for homosexuals, victims of violence and machismo. Poverty, delinquency, unstable and hopeless young people are the elements described by the Chinese director - with residence in the USA - Li Cheng in the film José, presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival. The director narrates a universal story in José's relationship with a man. But in reality José loves only his mother, in an unsolved Oedipus complex and sense of guilt.

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

22 July Directed by Paul Greengrass

The most terrible terrorist act in Norway was accomplished on 22 July 2011 by a Norway guy. After many years is still a shock for the country. The terrorist was Anders Behring Breivik, his story is narrated by American director Paul Greengrass in the movie 22 July, produced by Netflix and presented at the 75th Venice International Film Festival.

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

Isis, Tomorrow. The Lost Souls of Mosul Directed by Francesca Mannocchi, Alessio Romenzi

What embarrassing reconciliation is possible after a bloody conflict The directors Francesca Mannocchi and Alessio Romenzi in the film Isis, Tomorrow. The Lost Souls of Mosul, presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival, narrates of the liberation of Mosul. Now the parts are reversed. The families of Isis members are victims of revenge. What future will they have?

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

Peterloo Directed by Mike Leigh

Why would an English soldier, wounded and traumatized by the bloody battle of Waterloo, be killed, a few years later, by the same British army with which he had fought?

It is the massacre of St. Peter's Field. A gathering of the progressive party will turn into a massacre. A historical episode told in his usual style by director Mike Leigh in the film Peterloo presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival.

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Movie Roberto Matteucci Movie Roberto Matteucci

The Sisters Brothers Directed by Jacques Audiard

The director Jacques Audiard is not American, but he is by adoption in this case. He accepted to shoot a western. Born in Paris, award-winning, he only directed national movies in the French language. At the 75th Venice International Film Festival, he presented the The Sisters Brothers, in English with American actors.

It's a western of new generation, intimate and hyper-realistic.

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