Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

The other collection. Stories and works from the deposits of the National Gallery of the Marche

The artworks in Italy are in an excessive number. The consequence is the invisibility of the majority of works preserved in museums.

The deposits in which they are kept are vast. This causes a problem with cataloguing and studying cultural heritage. Above all, it is unavailable to the public.

The Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in the Ducal Palace, Urbino, with the exhibition, The other collection. Stories and works from the deposits of the National Gallery of the Marche, offered the opportunity to see sixty paintings usually in the deposit.

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Arte & Cultura Roberto Matteucci Arte & Cultura Roberto Matteucci

Premio Marche 2023 “Under Raffaello” Rassegna di artisti italiani invitati 25.11.2023 – 3.03.2024 Albani Civic Art Gallery, Urbino

In the exhibition spaces of the Albani Civic Art Gallery in Urbino, "Under Raffaello", the contemporary art exposition of invited Italian artists, took place.

Obviously, the Urbino exhibition is named after its most illustrious fellow citizen, Raffaello Sanzio. Raphael's art was from Urbino.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Bosch and another Renaissance Milan, Palazzo Reale 9 November 2022 to 12 March 2023

Hieronymus Bosch is a contemporary of the illustrious masters of the elegant Renaissance: Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raffaello Sanzio, Leonardo da Vinci, Perugino. Why does Bosh have a different language from the latter? Yet they are in the same world.

With a scientific and meticulous method, these two divergent humanities are contained in the exhibition Bosch and another Renaissance, held in Milan, Palazzo Reale from 9 November 2022 until 12 March 2023. The exhibition is curated by Bernard Aikema, Fernando Checa Cremades e Claudio Salsi.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

The Art Of Banksy “Without Limits” Bangkok, MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art

Nowadays, Banksy is the artistic icon, the absolute champion of fame, income, cultural power and promotion.

Why are his artworks successful? Why is he so popular?

It is possible to study it in the exhibition The Art of Banksy “Without Limits”. The Art of Banksy "Without Limits" has toured the world, with high public success and also some problems.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

59th International Art Exhibition Biennale Arte 2022 "The Milk of Dreams" from 23 April to 27 November 2022, Venice

The 59. International Art Exhibition, "The Milk of Dreams", curated by Cecilia Alemani, was inaugurated on 23 April and closed on 27 November 2022.

In a highly polychrome and colourful Art Biennale, black dominates everything. It is a hegemonic colour, it does not admit other artistic nuances. Simone Leigh, an American born in Chicago, wins the Golden Lion for Brick House.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani - Roma

The Vatican Museums have been the centrality of art and culture for millennia. Visiting the Museums needs time, memory, passion and a lot of curiosity.

In the Raphael Rooms, the Renaissance master, Raphael Sanzio, imposes the supreme beauty, confirms the existence of magnificence, harmony and love.

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