Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Koh Samui and the island of mysteries

Koh Samui is paradise.

It is a green area with hills and picturesque beaches.

It is a youthful oasis, with many young people from all over the world. They have fun on the sand during the day. In the evening, they drink and dance at the Ark Bar on Chaweng Beach.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Prague, the real city

In Prague, only the imagination remained. It is a city to imagine. Let's imagine Prague during the Medieval era, imagine the dark streets, imagine the cold winter, imagine the mist, imagine the empty alleys, imagine the strange noises in the silence, imagine this gloomy atmosphere combined with the traditions of own religion.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Lisbon, the city of Fernando Pessoa and Saint Anthony

Also, on 13 June but in 1888, Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa was born in Lisbon. He is simply known as Fernando Pessoa, although in his life he had many literary names. In Pessoa, there is a clear reference to Saint Anthony: Fernando and Antonio. He is the mark of his future Catholic dedication and of an alleged genealogical descend on the Saint.

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Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci Art & Culture Roberto Matteucci

Venice is a fish's dream

Venice is expressive, dreamlike, mysterious. Any place has an anecdote. Any place has a past, not necessarily important. There is also a private narration made up of many people capable of building the charm of the city.

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